Latest SmartVet News and Articles
This page provides the latest SmartVet-related news; releases; articles; posts and videos relative to the beef cattle industry. It includes ranching and market trends; insecticides, delivery systems; and best practices. Interviews with Ranchers, Vets and subject matter Experts give us their perspective and share valuable knowledge pertinent to the US cattle industry.
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Industry Media flock to VetGun Launch
The VetGun national launch at the 2014 NCBA (Feb 3-7, Nashville) attracted thousands of attendees across its 2 booths, with many trying out the VetGun Delivery System in a VetGun Shooting Tunnel, complete with cow-hide target to simulate a live dosage situation in the pasture.
And so too did the industry media notice this innovative new technology, with no less than 18 media interviews and demonstrations given across the 3 days of the convention.
Herewith just a few of the interviews and demonstrations:
1. RFD-TV Interview: click here
2. NCBA's Cattlemen to Cattlemen: click here
3. AgDay Interview: click here
4. NorthernAg.NET Interview: click here
5. Brownfield Ag News Interview: click here
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