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Posted by on in Producer News

The 10 lucky winners randomly drawn from respondents to our recent Market Survey are:

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Posted by on in Products

SmartVet is pleased to announce the launch of the new VetGun3. Replacing the earlier VetGun2, the new VetGun3 the next generation in precision remote insecticide delivery.

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Posted by on in Horn Fly Management

SmartVet bolsters its innovative VetGun Delivery Platform with the addition of AiM-A Abamectin VetCaps for cattle -a disruptive new tool that now facilitates in-season rotation to combat horn fly resistance.

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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice
SmartVet IC PartnerBadge lowresOn 9 April 2015, SmartVet was honored as one of Kansas City’s most innovative companies in the inaugural class of Kansas State University’s Ingenuity Central.  

SmartVetDirectors June2015 crop2 lowresSmartVet Directors: Tim Rose; Glen Richards; Grant Pickering; Grant Weyer; Randall Tosh; John Lawlor (Alternate Director)Ingenuity Central is a hub connecting the most inventive ideas, technologies and processes across diverse industries -recognizing leading-edge ideas from a dynamic intersection of sectors across Johnson County and the greater Kansas City metro area. On hand to accept the award was Randall Tosh, Executive VP of SmartVet: "We are thrilled at being recognized as a leading innovator in animal health. Listening to and working with cattle producers, our VetGun Insecticide Delivery System has taken years of painstaking development. Working with our distribution partners AgriLabs, VetGun was successfully launched in Feb 2014. We now have thousands of VetGuns in the hands of cattle ranchers across the U.S. and an exciting pipeline of new internal and external parasite control products in the regulatory process." SmartVet's US headquarters are based at the state-of-the-art International Animal Health and Food Safety Institute in Olathe's new Bioscience Precinct, Kansas.
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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

Several key articles from Bovine Veterinarian on why parasites affect performance; and importance of parasite control prior vaccination:

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Posted by on in Cattle Market Trends

svhqOlathe, Kansas (Nov 26, 2014) -  As part of its ongoing growth and continued expansion; SmartVet announces the recent successful closure of a US $5 million private placement investment round. The funds will be used for ongoing research and development in order to commercialize and bring to market additional products in the SmartVet product pipeline.

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Posted by on in Interview
shane brookshireAs part of its ongoing growth and continued expansion of its management team, SmartVet announces that Dr. Shane Brookshire will be taking the helm of SmartVet Holding Inc. current operations with immediate effect as the President of North and Latin American operations.  
Dr Brookshire is a highly experienced senior animal health executive. He previously led the US Ruminant and Equine Sales team at the world’s third largest animal health company Merial.  Prior to this he ran Merial’s Veterinary Public Health business unit. Shane brings a unique combination of both private company and public sector experience, having previously been the Commercial Director of private equity backed Anitox as well as serving as the State Veterinarian and Director of the Division of Animal Health for the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Shane graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Missouri and continues to be active in a cattle operation in Missouri.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of an innovative and hard-working organization and lead the growth of this business to the next level.” says Shane. ”I’m very excited to be able to deliver some of the most innovative technology the cattle industry has seen in decades.”  
“We congratulate Shane on the impact he has already made during his short time with us, and we look forward to many fruitful years working together with Shane. “  adds SmartVet Chairman, Grant Weyer.
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Posted by on in Interview
Olathe, Kansas (July 1, 2014) 
As part of its ongoing growth and continued expansion of its management team, SmartVet has appointed Louise Mawhinney as its new CFO. 
Louise MawhinneyLouise has over 16 years’ experience as a Chief Financial Officer, the last 10 of which have been in life sciences. She was most recently the CFO of Aratana Therapeutics, a pet therapeutics company, where she was instrumental in its IPO – the “Most Successful IPO of 2013” according to Bloomberg.  Prior to that, Louise was CFO of Ikonisys, a cell-based diagnostics company and Helicos BioSciences, a genetic analysis technology company where she led the 2007 IPO. Louise was also CFO for ArQule, an oncology therapeutics company, eSpendwise, a provider of global eBusiness systems, and The Butcher Company, a chemical manufacturing company. Prior to that, she was Group Controller at Lifetime Corporation; and a Senior Tax Specialist at KPMG in Boston. Louise holds a Masters Degree from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and has been a CPA in Massachusetts since 1989.
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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

beef101logor1On Thursday June 19, 2014, SmartVet hosted a number of east coast delegates to an insightful; informative and educational industry Beef101 Day in the heart of U.S. cattle country. The morning was spent at SmartVet's Olathe Kansas headoffice listening to leading industry experts - an overview of the Beef Cattle Production Industry; how it operates; animal health-care; parasite management; and economic sustainability with China gearing up to become one of the leading importers of the world's beef supply. Thereafter delegates boarded a bus and were taken on a tour of a professionally operated Kansas Cattle Ranch where a lot of the morning's theory was then seen in real life; including live cattle herding; yarding and running through the headgate for demonstration of traditional parasite treatments. Then it was all aboard the ATV's and into the pasture where SmartVet's new VetGun Delivery System was demonstrated with 1 person treating up to 20 head of cattle in as little as 15 minutes. The highlight of the day for many delegates was seeing who was the best shot as they each fired off several VetGun rounds at a dummy cow target, complete with real cow hide.

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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

The VetGun national launch at the 2014 NCBA (Feb 3-7, Nashville) attracted thousands of attendees across its 2 booths, with many trying out the VetGun Delivery System in a VetGun Shooting Tunnel, complete with cow-hide target to simulate a live dosage situation in the pasture. 

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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

AgrilabsOlathe, Kansas (Feb 4, 2014) — Leveraging the success of a 2013 market test, SmartVet USA,Inc. and AgriLabs,Ltd have formed a long-term partnership to launch the first-ever VetGun™ delivery system to effectively treat horn flies and lice in cattle. The revolutionary new delivery system  will be available across the U.S. in early 2014. 

RFDTV News Feature Feb 2014 jpegClick (here) or image on right for RFDTV News Feature

Next Generation of Horn Fly Control

The VetGun uses precision-engineered CO2 power to project a precise dosage of AiM-L™ VetCap to treat the animal. Each VetCap contains an EPA-approved insecticide in a soft gel capsule which can be fired from a safe distance of 20 to 30 feet while cattle graze or feed. The VetCap fragments upon impact allowing the topically applied insecticide to go to work immediately similar to that of pour-on applications.

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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice
SmartVet is glad to formally announce that Dr Thomas Monath, Adjunct Professor Harvard School of Public Health, has now joined the SmartVet team. Dr Monath will oversee SmartVet's Transdermal Vaccine Project and help direct research efforts toward the most efficient way of achieving successful transdermal immunization using a similar variation of the existing VetGun Delivery System.
Dr. Thomas P. Monath is a physician and Adjunct Professor (Emeritus), Harvard School of Public Health. He has substantial bioscience investment experience as an ex-partner in the Pandemic and Biodefense Fund, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.
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Posted by on in Horn Fly Management
Joseph Harvey of Animal Pharm recently undertook a live VetGun demonstration in Johnson County, Kansas. He wrote about his experience and published it online on the Animal Pharm website, as well as appearing as a 2-pager in the Animal Pharm printed publication.  
Feel free to view the article and short video online here
or alternatively article below for your convenience.
SmartVet's VetGun shoots its way into the US antiparasitic market
By  Joseph Harvey
Published Animal Pharm: 16 September 2013 01:42 PM
It is not often Animal Pharm gets to test a veterinary product on site. So when senior reporter Joseph Harvey was invited to test SmartVet's new VetGun antiparasitic delivery device on a humid and dusty beef cattle ranch in Johnson County, Kansas, he jumped at the chance.
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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine & SmartVet present a 60 minute webinar video with Drs. Dan Thomson; Robert Rew and Adalberto Perez de Leon. Hear from the experts on the latest challenges and treatments for endo and ecto parasite management.   

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Posted by on in Cattle Management Best Practice

SmartVet, a leading international innovator in animal healthcare, has announced the launch of a revolutionary new delivery system, set to change the landscape of parasite management in cattle. Using best practice methods, a rancher working alone can dose up to 100 cattle per hour.

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